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What Are Ovarian Cysts? Can AnOvarian Cyst Can Be Normal?

Ovarian cysts are extremely common and many women experience them at some point in their
lives. In fact, they often develop as a normal part of the menstrual cycle, during ovulation.
During the menstrual cycle, an egg is released from a follicle in the ovary. Sometimes, after the
egg is released, the follicle may not dissolve as it should, and instead, it gets filled with fluid or
blood. And, this forms a cyst.
These are called functional cysts and are generally harmless. They often go away on their own
within a few menstrual cycles and may not ca

use any symptoms.
However, in some cases, ovarian cysts can grow larger or persist beyond a few menstrual
cycles. Ahead, we tell you everything you must know and if an ovarian cyst can be normal.

What Are Ovarian Cysts?

As mentioned earlier, ovarian cysts are like little fluid-filled sacs that can form on a woman’s
ovaries and tend to disappear on their own after a while. Today, one in every 4-5 women in India
suffer from different types of ovarian cysts.
Now sometimes, these cysts can grow bigger or stick around longer than they should. This can
lead to discomfort or pain in the lower belly area.
In most cases, ovarian cysts are nothing to worry about. But in rare cases, they can be a sign of
something else going on, like endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). However,
with the right treatment ovarian cysts can be cured.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts-

Some of the main symptoms of ovarian cysts include:
● Pelvic pain
● Bloating
● Irregular periods
● Pain during intercourse
● Difficulty emptying bladder or bowels
● Nausea or vomiting
● Breast tenderness
● Weight gain

Can Ovarian Cysts Be Normal?

Usually, ovarian cysts are normal and nothing to worry about. Infact, they don’t require any
treatment either and tend to go away on their own.
Most women will have them at some point in their lives and may not even know it because they
often don’t cause any symptoms. However, if you do notice the above symptoms or have any other concerns, it’s always a good
idea to talk to a doctor.

Treatment and Diagnosis of Ovarian Cysts-

If cysts don’t go away on their own, your doctor may first perform a pelvic exam to feel for any
abnormalities in the ovaries or abdomen. Imaging and blood tests may also be done to visualize
the ovaries or to check for markers associated with ovarian cancer.
Ovarian cysts are treatable. For small, asymptomatic cysts, doctors may recommend regular
monitoring without immediate treatment, as many cysts resolve on their own.
Hormonal contraceptives, such as birth control pills, can be prescribed to help regulate the
menstrual cycle and prevent new cysts from forming.
If a cyst is large, persistent, and causing severe symptoms, or suspected to be cancerous, your
doctor can suggest surgery to remove it. Today, there are minimally invasive procedures, such
as laparoscopy where the recovery time is also shorter. The choice of treatment depends on
factors such as the size and type of the cyst, symptoms, and the patient’s overall health and
If you notice the symptoms, don’t worry. Early detection and proper management can help
relieve any discomfort and prevent complications.
If you are concerned about ovarian cysts, schedule a visit with us for complete evaluation and
treatment options. Your health is our priority!

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