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Irregular Periods in Females

Understanding the periods is very essential for every women when your period begins till the first day of your next period. In normal circumstances, a menstrual cycle is of 28 days. However, there are many normal ranges when discussing the menstrual cycle. So, it’s nothing to worry about if your period regularly lasts a few days longer or shorter. An irregular period is when your cycle often comes and goes at unexpected times. It is a signal that something about your health is not quite right. It may be sign of ongoing internal problem and can cause fertility related issues in future.

Signs of an irregular period:

  • Periods are irregular when they occur less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart.
  • Consequently, missing for 1 or more then 1 month periods indicates an irregular period.
  • Menstrual flow that is much heavier or lighter than usual
  • Periods that last longer than seven days
  • Periods accompanied by pain, cramping, nausea, or vomiting
  • When bleeding happens in between periods, after menopause or after having sex.

Causes of irregular period:

  • During puberty, the cycle can be irregular for the first 12-18 months
  • When someone loses extreme weight or gains excessive weight
  • If someone is exercising heavily
  • If someone is going through a very stressful phase in life
  • In some people, contraceptive pills or intrauterine systems can cause an irregular menstrual cycle
  • If someone is pregnant (one should test this possibility with pregnancy test kits to verify this and should consult the doctor)
  • When someone is entering into their menopause, usually between 45-55 years of age
  • Women with history of PCOD/PCOS and diagnosed with fibroids,  pelvic inflammatory disease, Endometriosis, etc.

How to diagnose irregular periods:

Your gynecologist might suggest some tests to diagnose the root cause, which may include – pelvic ultrasound to check fibroid, sometimes a PAP test, a blood test to rule out if the patient is suffering from Anemia, vaginal cultures, etc.

At Kiranmayee Women & Fertility Clinic specializes in addressing gynecological disorders and providing comprehensive women’s health services, including vaccinations and fertility screenings. We are dedicated to ensuring the well-being of your feminine health.

Take charge of your health and schedule a Consultation with our expert gynecologist

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