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How Does Hormonal Contraception Work?

How Does Hormonal Contraception Work?

As the name suggests, hormonal contraception helps prevent pregnancy. Today, you will find
various types of hormonal contraceptives such as birth control pills, patches, injections, and
hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs).
These methods typically contain synthetic versions of the hormones estrogen and progestin, or
progestin alone. In this article, we will unpack everything you must know about how hormone contraception
works and if it is the right method for you. Read ahead!

What Is Hormonal Contraception?

Hormonal contraception is when you use synthetic hormones, typically estrogen and progestin,
to prevent pregnancy by disrupting the natural reproductive processes. This includes methods
such as birth control pills, patches, injections, and hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs).
These contraceptives primarily function by preventing ovulation, altering cervical mucus to
hinder sperm movement, and modifying the uterine lining to reduce the likelihood of
Hormonal contraception offers women a reversible and highly effective means of family
planning, providing control over reproductive choices while offering non-contraceptive benefits,
such as menstrual cycle regulation and reduced menstrual symptoms.

Working Of Hormonal Contraception

Without further ado, let’s now understand how hormonal contraception works.
Generally, you are prescribed combined hormonal contraceptives (CHCs) or progestin-only
contraceptives (POCs)
CHCs contain both estrogen and progestin. They work by suppressing the release of an egg
from the ovaries. By preventing ovulation, there is no egg available for fertilization by sperm.
POCs primarily work by thickening cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to reach
the egg. In some cases, they also suppress ovulation.

Hormonal contraceptives can also alter the lining of the uterus, making it less receptive to a
fertilized egg. If an egg is fertilized, the altered uterine lining may prevent its successful

Who Can Use Hormonal Contraception?

Hormonal contraception is prescribed for women who want to prevent unplanned pregnancies. It
is a widely used and effective method of birth control. Some of the reasons include:

  • Women who want to delay or space out pregnancies
  • Women who are sexually active and do not currently desire pregnancy
  • Women looking to regulate their menstrual cycles, reducing symptoms such as irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and menstrual cramps
  • Women looking to manage symptoms related to the menstrual cycle, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMMD).
  • It may be prescribed to help manage acne and excessive hair growth (hirsutism)

However, you must always consult your gynecologist before taking any pills.

Is It Safe To Use Hormonal Contraception?

In general, hormonal contraception is considered safe for many women. That said, you must
take the medication only when prescribed by your doctor.
While the side effects of hormonal contraception are minimal, one may experience nausea,
breast tenderness, changes in mood, and irregular bleeding during the first few months of use. If
that’s the case, you must speak with your doctor immediately.

The Final Word

Hormonal contraception is generally safe and effective when used under professional guidance.
It provides women with a range of options to prevent unplanned pregnancies. While common
side effects are usually mild, individual responses vary. This is why you must use any
contraception only after careful consideration of your health history and lifestyle. Lastly, always
make informed decisions with the help of your doctors. To book an appointent with our expert Dr. Kiranmayee contact us at

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