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Why Infertility Common Nowadays and IUI Treatment at Kiranmayee Clinic, Hyderabad

Today, WHO estimates the prevalence of infertility in India to be between 3.9% and 16.8%. But
what is infertility? It is a condition where you cannot achieve a successful pregnancy even after
trying for a whole year. While it is not very uncommon, there are a variety of factors that can
adversely affect pregnancy. In this article, we walk you through it and inform you about the best
treatment plan to help achieve pregnancy.

Why Is Infertility Common Nowadays?

The reason why infertility has become a cause for concern can be attributed to several factors in today’s world.

  • ● Lifestyle choices play a significant role, with rising stress levels, sedentary habits, and poor dietary choices impacting reproductive health.
  • ● Environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins and pollutants, may be the reason.
  • ● Delayed parenthood, as more couples focus on careers and education before starting a family, leads to age-related fertility issues.
  • ● The widespread use of technology and electronic devices can increase exposure to electromagnetic radiation, potentially affecting fertility.
  • ● Lastly, underlying health conditions like obesity and diabetes are on the rise, further negatively affecting fertility.

What Are The Types Of Infertility?

Male Infertility
Male infertility refers to the difficulties a man faces in achieving pregnancy. It can result from
issues like low sperm count, poor sperm quality, or blockages in the reproductive tract. Causes
include hormonal imbalances, lifestyle choices, and genetic factors, often requiring medical
evaluation and potential treatments.
Female Infertility
Female infertility means a woman’s inability to conceive. It may be due to conditions like PCOS,
endometriosis, or blocked fallopian tubes. Hormonal imbalances and age also play a role here. Treatments often including medications or procedures like IUI. However, you must consult your
doctor for more.

Unexplained Infertility
Unexplained infertility occurs when no clear cause can be identified for a couple’s difficulty in
conceiving, despite comprehensive testing. It can be frustrating, but treatments like IUI or IVF
may offer hope for those facing this issue.
Secondary Infertility
Secondary infertility is the struggle to conceive after having one or more children previously. It
can be caused by age, health changes, or new fertility problems. Identifying and addressing the
specific issues is crucial for couples desiring another child.

IUI Treatment Can Offer The Right Direction:

IUI or Intrauterine Insemination is a fertility treatment that can provide a hopeful path for couples
facing difficulties in conceiving. During IUI, specially prepared sperm is directly placed into the
woman’s uterus, increasing the chances of fertilization.
This procedure can be a suitable option for couples with male infertility, unexplained infertility, or
mild female fertility issues. IUI is less invasive compared to other assisted reproductive
techniques like IVF. It offers a controlled and monitored approach, making it a valuable first step
on the fertility journey. However, its success depends on the individual’s unique circumstances,
and consultation with a fertility specialist is essential.
If you are looking to fulfill your dream of becoming a parent, Kiranmayee fertility clinic, Nallagandla, Hyderabad is here for you. Visit
our experts today for more!

To book an appointment with our expert Gynecologist Dr. B Kiranmayee, kindly contact us at 9121459595

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